Extremely helpful. Was impressed by their professionalism and knowledge of what they were doing. I would highly recommend them to anybody they're not there to charge you for extra stuff. They are simply there to do their job. If they find extra stuff they simply let you know for fear of your safety. Definitely not like other Companies such a serve pro who try to push every little thing on you and get every penny they can . I'm so pleased with their service I would recommend them to anybody.
I would also like to add, that during the process of getting to know advantclean They took the time to get to know me and they knew that my father was dying I was on oxygen and went over to my parents' house and clean that for such a reasonable price knowing that there a fix income I think that they're not only a great company but they also do not like to take advantage of people and have a lot of heart in what they do.
Extremely helpful. Was impressed by their professionalism and knowledge of what they were doing. I would highly recommend them to anybody they're not there to charge you for extra stuff. They are simply there to do their job. If they find extra stuff they simply let you know for fear of your safety. Definitely not like other Companies such a serve pro who try to push every little thing on you and get every penny they can . I'm so pleased with their service I would recommend them to anybody. I would also like to add, that during the process of getting to know advantclean They took the time to get to know me and they knew that my father was dying I was on oxygen and went over to my parents' house and clean that for such a reasonable price knowing that there a fix income I think that they're not only a great company but they also do not like to take advantage of people and have a lot of heart in what they do. LOVE ADVANTACLEAN